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Beyond the Screen: The Real Work Behind Being a Content Creator

Being a creator isn’t playing games all day. 

Being a creator isn’t just posting a gameplay clip and hoping it goes viral. 

Being a creator isn’t just getting handed brand deals. 

Being a creator isn’t just streaming all day and gaining followers. 

Being a creator isn’t easy. 

Being a creator is putting in countless of hours into content & not everything will do well. 

Being a creator is testing and trialling new things to stay current & present. 

Being a creator is having an amazing community who want to see you succeed. 

Being a creator is being an entrepreneur, editor, accountant, entertainer, marketeer all in one. You have to be a jack of all trades. 

Being a creator is the best ‘job’ in the world but damn is it hard. It takes a lot of determination, trialling and testing. But it is worth it. 

Being a creator is being always thankful to your community who stick by you and share your wins and support you during your lows. 

In short, a lot goes into being a creator. This includes testing, trialling and learning. Things in this space constantly change and you need to be able to adapt, to learn to improve.

I've been in this space for over six years now and the scene of this space has changed considerably compared to when I first started. Gone are the days of solely just streaming and the followers would follow. Discoverability on certain platforms is way more competitive due to how saturated the market is but there are some platforms which provide great opportunity.

I wonder how the streaming and content space will look in the next five years.

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